Places to Learn



I'm a super fan of CreativeLive. Awesome content. Great Instructors. Fantastic delivery model. CreativeLive offers courses for creatives (and, by the way, they believe "There's a creator in all of us.") You will find courses from top experts on a range of topics related to Money and Life, Craft and Maker, Music and Audio, Art and Design, Photo and Video. 

Here's the really cool thing. They have a schedule of courses that are broadcast. When they are broadcast, they are free to participate in. If you want a course on-demand, then you pay (a very reasonable fee.)


30 Days of Genius with Chase Jarvis

In this free video series on CreativeLive, Chase Jarvis, founder of CreativeLive, conducts in-depth interviews with some serious movers, shakers, and disrupters like Mark Cuban, Arianna Huffington, Brene Brown, Seth Godin, and Richard Branson. You will feel more genius and inspired after getting an insider's view of how they move and shake.