
What You Really Need To Be Productive: Read This Before You Get That New Planner or App

Yes, I admit: I’m pretty much a sucker for the latest productivity app.

In fact, while writing this, I hopped into the iPhone app store to see if I could find how many productivity apps there are. I couldn’t find that number. But I did download today’s featured productivity app that allows you to take visual notes … I mean, how awesome is that?  

But I digress. 

I know I’m not alone in my productivity-app love. It’s not accidental that productivity is a featured category in the app store (regardless of device affiliation). Productivity apps are moneymakers.

And if digital isn’t your jam, there’s a universe of analogue options: from ingenious productivity journals, to classic moleskin notebooks, to gorgeous planners.

The promise of improved productivity in the palm of your hand – whether digital or physical – is enticing, to say the least.

Yes, I download A LOT of productivity apps. But, I also admit: I don’t use most of them. 


It’s easy to get seduced into thinking that an app is going to save the day, or that a planner will get you accomplishing things like there’s no tomorrow. 

But, many of these cool tools end up abandoned after the novelty wears off. 

Why? Because they’re the cart – not the horse…. And you need the horse, if you want to get anywhere. Obviously.

Now, I’m not here to dash your productivity dreams, or dish on apps and organizers. Far from it.

I’m here to bring a dose of reality to the magical thinking that makes us believe (again) that a cool tool or groovy gadget is the magic bullet. 

“I’m here to bring a dose of reality to the magical thinking that makes us believe (again) that a cool tool or groovy gadget is the magic bullet. 

The best paintbrush won’t have you turning out masterpieces. The high-tech speedo won’t have you laps ahead of your competition. 

Yes, these tools may aid. They’re the cart. But they’re powered by the horse – the artist’s or athlete’s method. The way they play their game. Their technique

If you want to power up your productivity and make accomplishment a daily routine (count me in): you need a method. Your own “workflow” method. 

To be clear, you have a method. Everyone has a method (even if they don’t call it that). Mostly, we don’t notice how we get things done – we just get busy….

Most people have some sort of jerry-rigged habits – conscious and unconscious – that get them through the day. Maybe the method includes:

Working out of the inbox

Writing (or rewriting) a daily to-do list

A schedule packed with meetings

Reacting to whatever comes up (you know, being responsive)

Putting tasks on the calendar (and then moving them forward when they don’t get done)

Using a blend of sticky notes and their awesome memory

Holding check-in meetings

And so on . . . 

Look at the past few days… and you’ll start to detect your method. You do have a method, a technique, the way you do stuff, the way you handle your work and life.

The question is: Does your method work

Does your method reliably deliver the results you want? 

Does your method leave you satisfied at the end of the day? 

Does your method keep you focused on what matters? 

Does your method give you confidence that you’re on top of things and nothing is “falling through the cracks”? 

Does your method put you in control? 

Does your method keep you energized?

Does your method have you playing your game the way you want?


Or… is their maybe, possibly, some room for improvement?  


As the saying goes, if you want a different result, you have to do something differently. 

Or put another popular way: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. 

If you want a different – better – result, then look at your method, your technique – and refine it, upgrade it. 

So before you download another productivity app, get your productivity game together. 

Make sure you have a workable method you trust. Establish an effective technique to achieve your goals, aspirations, and intentions – on the daily, as they say. 

A method is made up of some basic rules you follow – rules of engagement. (And for those rule-resisters, remember these are YOUR rules.)

Consider your workflow method as setting up the game board of work (and life). Without rules, there’s no way to win – you’re just looping aimlessly through Candy Land, or filling up your car with pink and blue pegs in the Game of Life…. 


Your method (in the madness) should help you:



If you’re going to bet on a horse, put your money on Clarity. 

Imagine trying to use your GPS to get somewhere – but you’re not exactly sure where you’re going…. OR the exact coordinates of where you are now. Sure, you may know you want to go in that general direction (let’s say, “West”), and you know the vicinity of your current location. But, GPS doesn’t really work that way. Siri will end up driving you up a wall, but not to your destination. 

Many underestimate the power of clarity until they experience the immediate boost, the sense of progress (and relief) that happens simply by getting clear. (Now THAT’S magic).

I see this all the time with my clients. The first step of getting crystal clear has them flying high. All of a sudden, what seemed vague, or looming, or overwhelming, or inscrutable is now doable, possible, within reach.

Without clarity, you’re smack dab in the fog. You know you’re busy and have a lot on your plate – but you’re not quite sure of the best move to make. 

Your method should deliver crystal clarity about what is actually on your plate – the actions, projects, goals, requests, responsibilities you have committed to. 

Only then, will you be able to

make clear-headed decisions on the fly,

direct and redirect your efforts,

say yes or no with confidence,

communicate persuasively,

and see the forest AND the trees.

With the escalating pace and volume of information, it’s easy for things to get muddled quickly. The constant flow of new requests, opportunities, challenges, and demands can cloud and confuse. Clarity is gold. And it’s at a premium in today’s noisy world. 

Clarity allows you to navigate with confidence. Clarity fuels that horse.

And one more thing. When it comes to clarity, you can’t fix it and forget it. Clarity requires an everyday, dynamic engagement with your world. Things do change. Fast. And so your method must give you the capacity to recalibrate to clarity quickly. 

Clarity is a virtue and will take you far. The vague rarely wins the day. Without clarity, you’ll be a cart without a horse, up a creek without a paddle… you get the idea.  

So get a method that delivers clarity. Every day.



Decisions are the meter of progress. Each day, you're confronted with…

So. Many. Decisions. 

Yet, it's easy to put decisions off for another day. In fact, in my work with others (and myself), I’ve noticed a rampant lack of decision-making. This takes a toll, not only on progress – but also on energy. When indecision piles up, it drains, stresses, and overwhelms.

Typically, people avoid making decisions (even in the simplest things) for two primary reasons: 1) They don't want to limit their options; or 2) They don't want to make a mistake.  

Here's the interesting thing about decisions: They almost always help you move forward, even if the decision is "wrong." It’s far easier to redirect when you're moving, than when you're standing still, or sitting out. Basic physics. 

Your method should help you make smart decisions.

For example, people’s email is a pile of indecision. What if you had a rule that when you read an email you must make a decision about what you will do next  – rather than push that decision into your future…. by going on to read the next email – that, of course, is more interesting than the one you’re reading now…? 

Radical, yes. In fact, it might revolutionize your productivity. Just a little rule about making decisions on email could change your game for the better. 



It’s easy to show up each day and get busy. There’s no end to the things calling your name. But are you doing the things that matter – or defaulting to the loudest voice? 

Your method should help you determine what is priority for your time and attention. 

Now, let’s be real. A priority isn’t etched in stone. No task or project is inherently a priority. A priority exists in relation to the whole– everything elseyou need to do. Priorities fluctuate and shift with the constant tide of information and constraints of time, energy, and resources.

You need a method that helps you assess these factors on the run, and determine where to put your focus at any given moment.



Without energy: game over. It’s that simple. (No horse. No cart. No go.)

Your method should optimize your energy. At the end of the day, you should feel energized. Not drained.

All living things have a biological clock, their own beat, their own ebb and flow. And while humans generally fall into certain typical patterns related to times of robust versus receding energy, each person has their own chronotype – their own circadian rhythm. 

Yes, there are external realities that we may not have control over. However, your method should help you match your energy to the task, as much as possible. 

For example, when your energy is strongest (often at the beginning of the day), do the work that requires concentration and cognitive muscle, rather than waste it on scrolling through email or Instagram.

When your energy is lagging, do those easier, routine tasks. 

Your method should help you design your day to bring your best game, the optimum energy for the play.



In the default mode, the urgent and immediate always win. That strategic thing, that bigger effort that isn’t in your face but could have real impact – gets relegated to, you know, another day. 

Your method should promote step-by-step progress on those big things that will make a difference. 



Productivity requires focus. And yet, it’s no secret that focus is hard to come by – with all the bells and whistles, dings and pings that accompany your day. Your attention span continues to dwindle as the notifications accelerate. And if something or someone isn’t interrupting you, it’s likely you’ll interrupt yourself with a quick check of your phone or the news or the latest productivity app. 

Like the blinders on a racehorse, your method should help you protect against the daily distractions, and keep you moving forward in your lane. 



If there’s anything that’s crying out for a rule, it’s email. Left unchecked, it takes over and calls the shots. 

Hanging out all day in your inbox puts you squarely in the reaction mode, at the effect of other people’s agendas. 

Email also earns the award for Best Procrastination Device Ever. It lulls you into thinking you’re doing something when really you’re just avoiding that paper you have to write, or that plan you need to create, or that difficult conversation you need to have, or that hard stuff. 

Run right, email is a fantastic tool of the trade. Without rules, you become email’s tool – hopping with every notification. 


So, before you reach for that new productivity app or planner….. 

First, make sure you have a good horse (a sound method). Then, you can add the cart (that app or planner). 

We love the cart – but we need the horse. Get a clear, workable method, some simple rules to power your efforts, to play your game…. and progress and accomplishment will become routine.


PS If you’re thinking that maybe an upgrade to your method is in order, I encourage you to consider the online course, Workflow Mastery: The Disciplines of Accomplishment

Question: Would you like to learn the basic techniques - a solid, simple method  - to: 

Achieve clarity…

Make decisions …

Prioritize confidently …


Optimize your energy …

Make progress on the strategic …

Run your email (instead of letting it run you) …

And more… 

….as a matter of routine, so that you can achieve what matters most to you?


If so, the Workflow Mastery course may be for you.

I've taught this course to (by now) thousands of professionals in businesses and organizations globally. For some time, I've been wanting to bring this course to more people and not limit it to private training events only. 

And: TADA! There’s a self-paced, online version of the popular course.

Designed to fit into your (obviously) busy schedule.

Click below for more information. See if this course might be just the help you need to get a method that really works. 

Want to bring a live (virtual or in-person) Workflow Mastery course to your team? You can. You can request more information, including pricing details, below.

Organize Your Power Tools

Meet my client, Emily (her name has been changed to protect the innocent).

If I were giving out grades, she’d get a solid A. She has put in place the systems and routines I’ve shown her to keep on top of a jam-packed life of work and family – and she’s rocking them like a pro.

Except for one thing.  

The other day she said, “It’s all those little tech things that happen. Like when I have to sign into a retirement account and I can’t find the password. Or I can’t take any more photos on my phone because I have no more room. Or I put notes about an upcoming trip in some app – I just can’t remember which one. I waste a lot of time and energy on this stuff. And it always happens when I'm pressed for time.”


Emily speaks for so many.

You know the drill. You sign up for the next app jazzed by the promise that this tool will save the day. Make things Easier. Faster. Better. Cooler.

And in no time, there you are with a big pile of tools, and life is not easier. It’s just more Confusing. Disconnected. Frustrating.


Believe me, I love an app. It’s amazing what these tools can do for us. But they can’t do it magically on their own. You have to power the tools you use. You are the brains behind the digital operation of your life.

It’s time to get your digital act together.

You have to power the tools you use. You are the brains behind the digital operation of your life.

Create Your Power Tools Blueprint

Here’s how to go from digital chaos to digital clarity: Create a blueprint of your power tools.

First, take a sheet of paper and make a map of the types of tools you need. What are all the work and life functions that either need or would benefit from a digital tool?

Then, fill in the specific digital tool (app) you choose for the function. On your blueprint, indicate the name, and any other relevant info like cost. You are creating a visual - a map of your digital life. 


The Basic Tools

There are some basic tools of the trade that should be part your digital equipment. You will need to decide the specific "make and model" (app) that will work best for you. There are examples included below, but do some research to find out the tool suited to your style and needs. 


Examples & Notes: There are a few types of tools in this category.

Email accounts can be hosted through webmail, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and your Internet provider; an employer; website domain; etc. 

Desktop email clients, such as Outlook, Mail, Postbox, etc.,  allow you access your email account(s) on your desktop. You can add multiple email accounts for ease. The desktop client allows you to access your email even when you are not connected to the Internet.

Mobile email apps allow you to access your accounts on your phone. The webmail accounts and desktop clients have mobile versions. Or you can use the built- in email app on your phone or other apps that are mobile and online only, such as Inbox, Spark, Sanebox, etc.



Examples: iCal, Outlook, Google Calendar, Calendars 5, SolCalendarFantastical 2, Cozi

Notes: Set them up to sync across devices. If you have multiple calendars, add them into one application. You will be able to select the calendar(s) you want to view. 


Task Management

Examples: Web-based/Mobile: Toodledo , Nirvana, Todoist, Trello; Desktop/Mobile: Things, Omnifocus

Notes: The task management apps are too good not to use. So I'm sorry, but ditch the handwritten notes. Stop rewriting your to-do list and adopt a fast tool that will give you the confidence that nothing is falling through the cracks.


Cloud Storage

Examples: Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, iCloud

Notes: You may have several cloud storage services. Determine the ones you have and how you plan to use them. Choose one to be the primary cloud storage and consider going to a paid plan for more space and sometimes, more security. Set up your computer to sync automatically with it.

Also, set your photos on your mobile phone to sync to a cloud service. Please. Otherwise, you may find yourself: a) ready to take a one-of-a-kind photo and no space on your phone; or b) without your phone (stolen? damaged?) and those precious photos gone forever. Seriously, set it up and make your life less stressful. 

Read about the cloud services and get to know about the security features, etc. Knowledge is power. 


Password Manager

Examples: 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane

Notes: Say goodbye to the cryptic notes here and there to keep track of your passwords. Or using the same password - or some variation - for everything (You know you shouldn't do that, right?). These tools not only save your passwords, but most of them autofill passwords when you visit a website from your computer or mobile device. They often back up to a cloud service, so be sure to check if the app integrates with the other tools you have. 


Online Research & Notes

Examples: Evernote, OneNote

Notes: Get Evernote or OneNote, if you haven't. These tools are awesome. If you research things online (and who doesn't?), these tools will change the game for you. Goodbye, bookmarks - hello, fast organization.

Let's say you are in the market for a car and doing some research so you know what you want and don't get bamboozled by the dealer. You can google until the cows come home and collect all those helpful reviews in one notebook. Neat and tidy.

Plus you can add notes, photos, and documents on the go. It's a fantastic way to organize project material and make it accessible on all your devices. 


Project Management (Team Communication)

Examples: Asana, Wrike, Basecamp, Trello, Slack

Notes: If you are coordinating with others to accomplish things, use a project management tool. These tools keep everyone in the loop without the need for so many lengthy meetings and emails. They make team collaboration and communication a breeze.

Slack is a little different than the others. It focuses on communication and document sharing/collaboration (rather than more elaborate task management). Slack reduces the inefficiencies of back-and-forth-and-back-and-forth email. And as far as I can tell, cool people use Slack.


Money Management

Examples: Mint, Mvelopes, Billguard, Wally, Pocket Expense

Notes: Keep on top of your finances - what is coming in and what is going out. These tools typically have the option to link bank accounts (or not). They are great for tracking expenses and sticking to a budget. 


Virtual Meetings

Examples: Skype, Join.Me, GoToMeeting, Fuze

Notes: These tools allow for real-time collaboration no matter where you are. They allow you to meet by video- or audio-conference, display slides, share a desktop, and more. If you want to quickly share a screen with someone you are speaking to by phone - jump on It's fast and easy.



Examples: TripIt, TripCase

Notes: These apps keep your travel itinerary and documents in one place and keep you (and those you designate) updated about changes in flight schedules and departure gates. There are many other apps that can make traveling easier whether you need to figure out how to say something in the local language; or find the right accommodations, food, or flights; or video-document your trip. 



Example: Day One, Evernote

Notes: This might not qualify for "Basic Tool" status, but I'm adding it anyway. Physical journals are a joy. But I do love Day One. You can include photos, maps, thoughts, etc. in a beautiful interface. 

From a productivity perspective, I think a journal is a great tool. It's a place to reflect. What happened? What worked? What didn't? What ideas are rolling around in my head? What do I want to accomplish? What is bothering me? What is inspiring me? What am I happy about? And the powerhouse question that seems to show up on everyone's productivity tips: What am I grateful for? 

This reflective state is a must if we want to hone our skills and direct our work and our lives. So write. 


Health/Fitness Tracker 

Examples: Fitbit, Jawbone

Notes: Again, a fitness tracker might not qualify for the Basic-Basic list, but I highly recommend it. Two of the greatest boosters of productivity are exercise and sleep - both of which go away when we have a lot on our plate. These fitness trackers help integrate fitness into daily life. I have Jawbone and, as a result of wearing it, I now often decide to walk to the grocery store instead of drive in order to get my 10,000 steps in. 



Include on your blueprint the other tools you use for things such as maps, weather, and social media. Then add your specialized tools, so that you can see them all lined up together. 


Integration: Speak to Me

My clients often express a deep longing for a single app that can do it all. And I have to bring them down to earth and let them know: it's not going to happen. 

What you do want to look out for is the integration of apps. For example, I can forward an email onto Evernote, and my passwords get backed up to Dropbox. When you are deciding on the apps to use, look at how well they play with others (or not). 

Which brings us to IFTTT (If This Then That). This is a dreamy little app that will help your apps communicate better based on your specific instructions or what they call "recipes." For example, post a photo to Instagram and it automatically saves to Google Drive. Star an email and it automatically saves to Evernote. IFTTT provides thousands of recipes you might want to try, or you can make your own. 


Another Reason to Have a Blueprint

Creating a blueprint of the digital tools you use helps you to see where you need a tool, have too many tools, or need a better tool. You will be able to assess how much you are spending on all those tools and if they are really working together. It helps you get a clear grasp of how you are running your digital life. 

And another thing: Part of being an adult is having your affairs in order. Which gets me to the less fun, but important, thing to talk about. One day, you won't be here. But all your digital stuff will. You won't just be leaving behind clothes and photo albums. So, while it's a little uncomfortable to think about, get your digital act together now. Create a Power Tools Blueprint. Keep it current. You'll experience the immediate rewards of clarity and your loved ones will thank you.